I enjoyed thoroughly today an article from a sermon preached by
Oral Roberts many years ago called, " It's Time To Come Home ".
It was a sermon on the story of the Prodigal Son found in
Luke 15. In that story it reminds us of how fortunate we are
that our Heavenly Father has that everlasting love that always is
extended toward us. Patiently waiting for us to realize our
place in Him, despite our failures and find ourselves back
in the Father's arms.
What an awesome thing it would be today, if God's creation
and believer's in Christ could accept this fact. Acknowledging
the Love of God and understanding that despite their wasting
away precious gifts or even future graces. None of it will keep Him
from bridging the gap of our sin with His Love, allowing us to run
right into the arms of the Father. Receiving His Royal Robe
( His Possession ), Putting on that Family Ring ( Rightful
Place of Sonship ) upon our finger and finally finding
that Abundant Love and Life that He desires for His Beloved.
How do I know all this? Because the Cross made up the
difference for us. Amen! He bridged the gap with His
precious atoning blood, so that you and I could return
to the " Father's House " restored and blest. Won't you
give Him a chance to restore you into that position
of Grace today and receive the " Father's Love ".
Written by, Rev. Patrick Vossen