Our readings this Sunday come from Acts 8:26-40, 1 John 4:7-21 and finally the gospel passage from John 15: 1-8.
In preparing for this week's message I sure was blest by one of the quotes I read from my Ancient Commentary on the Book of John. From Gaudentius of Brescia, " The wine of his blood, gathered from the many grapes of the vine planted in him, is pressed out of the winepress of the cross, and of its own power it begins to ferment in the capacious vessels so of those who receive it with faithful heart. "
I have two questions for you before I begin my thoughts on John 15 today. One, are you at home in His Love? Two, are you truly organically and intimately in union with the Christ, and receiving your life from him?
How you answer these two questions can make all the difference in the world. For it is in our abiding in Christ's love that we follow through with His plan for our live's. Recognizing that when we truly begin to understand this intimate relationship He is wanting us to have with Him. Our branch begins to bear fruit and we begin to see the grapes on our branch bear the sweetness of Christ's nature within.
How does this all happen? Well, simply put its all in our trusting in the Father's care as the master farmer tending to the Vine ( Christ Jesus ), who in turn floods our soul with His Word and prunes us, nourishing us and giving us all things that pertains to life and godliness. The key is in how much we trust in Christ to allow our branch to become fully en-grafted in His love. Whereby, emulating His life and character through our everyday living out of our faith in Christ Jesus.
I'm sorry to say that too many people fall prey looking for a substitute for the real sacrifice involved in this intimate relationship with Christ. Often utilizing instead the latest Christian gimmick, or artificially pumped up Christian gizmo believing that it will get the job done. Somehow creating the illusion that their shortcut to a real Christian walk doing just fine for them. Sadly, they are only fooling themselves. Never realizing the height and the depth of God's love that he wants to share through their lives. There is never a Godly substitute for the real Christian walk. Learn to " Be At Home In Christ's Abiding Love. "