Church Shopping, Or The Flavor Of The Month.
Dr. Patrick Vossen
In his sermon, “The Best Donation (No. 2,334),” C.H.Spurgeon
“. . .the Church is faulty, but that is no excuse for your
not joining it, if you are the Lord’s. Nor need your own faults keep you back,
for the Church is not an institution for perfect people, but a sanctuary for sinners
saved by Grace, who, though they are saved, are still sinners and need all the
help they can derive from the sympathy and guidance of their fellow Believers.”
In our day there is more church hopping than ever before for
many people are fickle and critical when it comes to the church they attend.
Each brings their own choices and many times not allowing for the Holy Spirit's
guidance at all. They look for the best bible teacher, or the best music, or
the nicest youth program, not thinking about God's will in this whole equation.
How they fit into becoming a part of
God's church is not even considered.
We need to understand God's Program. What He envisions, and
how He wants us to grow up in the full stature of Christ's love. I know when I
was out of bible college, I had a perception where I wanted to be. But the Holy Spirit turned it all around. I
also look back on places I should have stayed in my life, but instead moved on
to quickly. Hey, we are not perfect, but we are working toward being Christ's
perfected ones. Gaining His guidance and wise counsel will surely help us on
this journey of faith and help us to grow up into the working body of Christ.
We all like big churches and lots of great music. However
most megachurches don't have the mentoring mechanisms needed for spiritual
growth. They have a form, but many times lack the substance. They have a shadow
of what we need but not the full measure. Then there is the other extreme, the
small church. That church can certainly be a place of growth and mentoring, but
without the cultural experiences that larger church formats which gives us the
vision of what the body has to share.
With all this in mind, we need to say “Quit being so
finicky!” Find the place God wants you
be planted in, then learn to take what God is teaching you and balance it with the
fellowship parameter given by the REST OF THE BODY. Let the Body function how
it is supposed to, giving strength, revelation and hope to each member. Small,
Big or mid-range, it doesn't matter. All that matters is that we get planted
and grow up in the fullness of Christ.
We can complain of shortcomings or the lack of something. It’s too easy. Let us instead seek to minister
to our fellow believers in Christ and support ours and neighboring pastors
without prejudice, or expecting anything in return, giving what wisdom and
assistance we are graced with.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we are all in this together!
We are the Body of Christ. Do what you can, where you are with what God gives
you. Remember that it is quality that
matters NOT quantity! Start by leading
someone to Christ, mentor and train elders, equip one another in the gospel
work. Do the whole Gospel work, and quit trying to increase the number of rumps
in pews.
Some pastors need to get out of their comfort zones. Go
beyond the normal fellowship pattern and become a mentor to a pastor of a
completely different Christian preference. Let's start being the Body of Christ
and empowering one another in God's grace. Let's show the world we have
certainly been with Jesus. They will know us by our Love and commitment one to
another. Break down the walls, free yourself from the chains and let's serve
one another in Love.