Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hope Is Essential In Life.

Everything comes from love, all is ordained for the salvation of man, God does nothing without this goal in mind. -Saint Catherine of Siena

Everything that flows from our Lord is done out of love. Love that reaches beyond our human comprehension, and sees things from a divine point of view. One which is not hampered by the frailties of human emotions and vain thoughts, but filled with His mercy. For our Lord desires for us to embrace life and not be caught off guard by the distractions of life, but to take hold of the promises He has for us. Why? That we might obtain that ultimate place of Covenantal Love. Which sees the appropriation of His gracious love and provision.

" Don't let the Devil steal your joy "! The bible is clear that the joy of the Lord is our strength, and when that joy is stolen from us. We tend to become emotionally, spiritually even physically drained. Seeing the very spirit of life just taken away from us. My friends in Christ, let's not allow the enemy of our soul steal our joy. Fight back, don't give up, take up the fight of faith and allow God's Holy Spirit to breath fresh joy within you today. Don't give into doubts, fears or any negative thoughts that would disintegrate the work of the Spirit. Let God come alive in your soul. Refresh your mind in the Word of God, listen to inspirational music, encourage one another in love. Remember, if you don't give any place or opportunity to the enemy to steal your joy. He can't rob you of what he can't get a hold of. For he won't be able to penetrate the shield of Faith, and if he does the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God will defeat him every time.

How is your Hope holding up today? Take some time to refocus and channel your efforts in prayer. Renewing your dreams today in His abundant Love. It will be time well spent in the Father's presence.

Blogs and CGMF Websites:

Reverend Vossen's Blog

School of Faith Site:

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