Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Good Shepherd Anoints Our Head With Oil.

This is the newest installment of our CGMF Prayerline series on The Good Shepherd. This message you will find truly practical. With a variety of applications toward your personal walk with God.

If you would like to listen in to the recording of the daily message you may. It has been saved on the CGMF Prayerline. You just have to call in as you normally would the Prayerline at 916-233-2999. When prompted enter the conference id number 584684 and you will be placed into the conference, the recording will then start. If your in the UK you can call 0844 316 0103, please use the same conference id 584684 ( Don't get frustrated if you have to call more than once for the service to pick up, it sometimes is busy ). 


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Teaching Series I'd Like You To Take Advantage Of. - Covenant of Grace Ministry and Fellowship Inc. Omaha, Nebraska

A Teaching Series I'd Like You To Take Advantage Of. - Covenant of Grace Ministry and Fellowship Inc. Omaha, Nebraska

First Blog of 2013. Happy New Year.

Sharing God's Glory.

Our devotion on the CGMF Prayerline this Wednesday.

If you would like to listen in to the recording of the daily message you may. It has been saved on the CGMF Prayerline. You just have to call in as you normally would the Prayerline at 916-233-2999. When prompted enter the conference id number 584684 and you will be placed into the conference, the recording will then start. If your in the UK you can call 0844 316 0103, please use the same conference id 584684 ( Don't get frustrated if you have to call more than once for the service to pick up, it sometimes is busy ).
