Friday, March 18, 2011

Saint Patrick's Day Personal Thought And Thanksgiving.

Saint Patrick is one of my favorite saints, and his life is as much a mystery to some as a revelation of fresh hope for others. For this man whom came from noble birth and was of upper class status while young, would have his world turned upside down by Irish marauders who would pillage his home and take him from his place of noble surroundings, to an Island so unfamiliar which would become one day his missionary home.

In Ireland things started to change for Patrick. For it was here in this country far from his home that he would become a slave, and his focus would begin to become more dependent upon the Lord than ever before. Because now there were no familiar surroundings. No true family or friends to watch over him and to enjoy their company day and night. Instead there was abusive captors and hungry nights, and a spirit of survival that now overtook his very heart and soul. Because it would take determination and his faith in God, to help him to survive this terrible course that life had taken. However, he would not lose heart and would continue on and believe that God had a purpose in it all, and that hope would be his song.

God took this young man and began to shape his heart and mind in this foreign environment and unhappy setting. Teaching him and helping him to understand this Druid religion that his captors embraced, and one day using that knowledge to set the course of a revival that would change that island country and set Christianity as its divine embrace.

It is said by Saint Patrick, that the only reason he fled from his captors when he did, was because of a visitation from an angel. Which admonished him to escape, and so when he found it prudent he did so, finding himself able to escape his captors then setting a new course for his life through the providence of God. By divine intervention and the wisdom of God Patrick makes his way out of his captors control to freedom and hope. With a divine calling from God, that would actually take him back to the same Irish people whom had abused him so, and preaching the gospel of Christ in love to this heathen and strange world.

We to where in bondage and slavery to sin, whom are the believers of God. We to had been sold into slavery into captivity by the enemy of our soul. However, through the shed blood of Jesus Christ we have found our way of escape, and have found the " Way " that Christ had taught. No longer living to please the masters of sin, but the Lord of Holiness, Grace and Love. Now let us like Patrick give our heart and soul to do the bidding of our true love, and embrace His calling and fulfill our purpose in this world we call our home.

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